Sprinkles style holiday cupcakes
When the holidays begin to roll around, my go-to is usually a good old batch of cookies! But today, my son wanted to make cupcakes and I gave in to his whims. But oh, what fun it was!
I’m so excited that we’ve finally reached the age where my son sees magic in everything. And right now, what’s magical to him is baking! With a joyful glee in his eyes, he runs to grab his step stool to set up next to the counter. Once he’s all set up and giddy as a puppy wearing his little apron, we begin.
Every time, he studies the process, surveying all the ingredients against the checklist in his head. I can see the wheels turn constantly, trying to remember what we used last and if those same ingredients will show up for the recipe at hand. His job is always to measure out the sugar, flour, salt, and oddly enough, gets excited about the baking powder and baking soda! Maybe because it makes things bubbly just like him.
And with that, here’s our delicious remake of a sprinkles style cupcake. A moist cupcake base piled high with an ungodly amount of frosting. Give a whirl for your next holiday get together, or your next family baking project!